We are beginning to add details of our Easter services - please check for updates. All services take place at Christ Church.
Sunday 2 April: Palm Sunday
Marking the start of Holy Week, Palm Sunday tells the story of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
9am: Holy Communion
10.30am: All Age Worship
6.30pm: Prayer for Everyone
Monday 3-Saturday 8 April: Holy Week
We journey through Holy Week as we prepare to mark Jesus’ death on Good Friday.
7.30am on Monday-Saturday of Holy Week: Morning Prayer
There will be Prayer Stations in the church grounds for you to use when you are able to. Click here for more information.
Thursday 6 April: Maundy Thursday
We remember the Last Supper and Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.
11am: Maundy Thursday Holy Communion
7.30pm: Maundy Thursday Holy Communion (with optional foot washing)
Friday 7 April: Good Friday
We remember the events of Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday, with a service ideal for families, and a reflective Hour at the Cross.
10.30am: Good Friday Family Hour
2pm: Good Friday Hour at the Cross
Sunday 9 April: Easter Day
On Easter Day we celebrate Christ’s resurrection and conquering of the grave, and delight in his invitation to eternal life.
7am: Dawn Service
9am: Easter Holy Communion
10.30am: All Age Easter Communion
6.30pm: Easter Songs of Praise