Weddings, baptisms, and funerals
It is a privilege to take part in people’s significant stages in life. Learn more on this page about weddings, funerals, and baptisms at Christ Church.
Can I get married at Christ Church?
The marriage law will allow you to get married in a church:
if you were baptised in the parish or confirmed from the parish;
if you or any of your parents or step parents: lived in the parish for 6 months at any time; or habitually worshipped in the church for 6 months at any time
if any of your parents or grandparents were married in the parish
How do I plan my wedding?
The Church of England has a helpful website where you will find answers to most of your questions regarding marriage. These guidelines will have been adapted by individual churches, so please get in touch to find out more about getting married Christ Church. For further information, please email admin@ccfh.org.uk
Can I be baptised or confirmed at Christ Church?
If you are exploring baptism of confirmation as an adult or teenager, please get in touch with us by emailing admin@ccfh.org.uk
Can my child be baptised at Christ Church?
We would be delighted to baptise your child at Christ Church. Baptisms take place during our 10.30am service on the first Sunday of the month, or at a separate time subject to clergy availability. At the baptism you, as parents, are making a public decision to start him/her on the journey of faith, asking for the church's support. You will be asked to declare publicly on behalf of your child that you believe in God and that you will bring your child up to follow Jesus. Please get in touch with us to discuss baptism or a service of thanksgiving for your child.
Can you help with the funeral of a family member?
Anyone who lives in the parish is entitled to a funeral at Christ Church. We are also happy to be involved with funerals for those who have connections either with Christ Church or Flackwell Heath, even if you do not live in the parish.
Please get in touch with us if you’d like to hold a funeral service at Christ Church, or if you’d like a member of our clergy to be involved in a funeral service. The Church of England has a helpful website on planning funerals.