Join us for our Lent Course in 2025 as we think about the Five Marks of Mission

The Five Marks of Mission were created to help God’s church understand what mission looks like in our contemporary world. They widen our concept of mission, and encourage us to see all of life as a form of mission. At our Lent Course this year we will spend time thinking about each of the Five Marks, with an
in-person speaker joining us each evening.

Wednesday 12th March
”To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom”
Speaker: Revd Dr Andy Angel, Director of Formation and Ministry, Oxford Diocese

Wednesday 19th March
”To teach, baptise, and nurture new believers.”
Speaker: Revd Jo Gallant, Director of Discipleship and Social Justice, Oxford Diocese

Wednesday 26th March
”To respond to human need by loving service.”
Speaker: Revd Jo Allen, Team Vicar, Dorchester

Wednesday 2nd April
”To seek to transform unjust structure of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation.”
Speaker: The Ven. Guy Ellesmore, Archdeacon of Buckingham

Wednesday 9th April
”To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.”
Speaker: Hannah Mann, Environment Programme Manager, Diocese of Oxford

Each Wednesday will run from 6.45-8.30pm and will include a light supper, and the course is free to attend. We are encouraging the whole church family to come together for the Lent Course, so please do sign up on the sign up sheet at the back of church. Please sign up to tell us you are coming, even if you can’t make all the sessions, and do think about whether there’s a friend who might be interested in coming with you.