Queen Elizabeth II
We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Queen Elizabeth II. As a church and nation, we now enter a time of mourning.
Over the next few days, we will be holding the following events:
Week commencing 12 September
Christ Church will be open 9am-12pm Monday-Friday for the community to come and pay respects to the Queen. A book of condolences is available to sign, and you are welcome to light a candle and lay flowers if you wish. The book of condolences will remain at church until the day after the Queen’s funeral.
Monday 19 September
We will be streaming the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II at Christ Church from 10.30am-12pm. Tea and coffee will be provided; please bring food to share with you if you wish.
On Sunday 11 September, Christ Church held a Service of Commemoration marking the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. You can find a copy of the order of service here if you wish to have a look.