APCM 2025

The APCM is our annual church meeting, and this year takes place on Sunday 6th April at 12pm. The APCM gives the opportunity to hear about Christ Church’s mission and ministry during 2024, and to look ahead to what God is doing this year and beyond. It is also the meeting where we elect members of the PCC and other formal positions within the church.

Various documents relating to the APCM will be posted on this page nearer the time. If you have any questions, please email the Vicar or PCC Secretary.

Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll is our church membership - by being on the Roll you are telling us that you consider Christ Church to be ‘your’ church. Being on the Roll is a requirement for anyone who wants to stand for PCC or other formal church positions, and there are certain votes at the APCM that are restricted to those on the Roll. You can join the Roll by completing the form below and returning it to the Church Office. It’s important to say that if you are not on the Roll you can still be a full member of the Christ Church family.

This year we are required to start a new Electoral Roll, and so everyone who wants to be on the new Roll MUST complete a form, whether you are on the current Roll or not. If you do not complete a form, you will not be on the new Roll.

Electoral Roll forms will be available at church from Wednesday 5th February until Sunday 9th March, when the Roll closes for applications. Please complete your form (one per person) and return it to the Church Office. On Sunday 9th and 16th February we will be encouraging you to complete your forms after our morning services. Alternatively, you can click below to download a form which you can complete and return to the office.

Please remember that forms must be returned by the end of Sunday 9th March.