You are invited to join us at Christ Church this year as we tell the story of Jesus’ final days, death, and resurrection. We’ve got a range of services and activities for all ages.

Palm Sunday (13th April)

As we start Holy Week, join us for our usual services as we think about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.

9am: Holy Communion
10.30am: Morning Worship
6.30pm: Compline

Holy Week Morning Prayer (14th-19th April)

During Holy Week, we meet in church at 7.30am for a service of Morning Prayer taken from Common Worship. Using liturgy and readings, each morning will last no longer than half an hour.

7.30am on Monday-Saturday of Holy Week: Morning Prayer

Maundy Thursday (17th April)

As we retell the events of the Last Supper and Jesus washing his disciples’ feet, we gather for a service which lasts around an hour, after which we hold a short, silent vigil.

7pm: Maundy Thursday Holy Communion with optional foot washing. There is a silent vigil lasting half an hour immediately after the service.

Good Friday (18th April)

We remember Jesus’ death upon the cross with a range of services.

10am: Easter Garden Cafe. A creative, informal, and relaxed time where we’ll tell the story of Easter by making Easter gardens. Ideal for families and open to all ages.
11am: Hot Cross Buns. Join us for Hot Cross Buns and refreshments for half an hour.
11.30am: Walk of Witness. As we mark Good Friday, we will carry a cross around the village, ending up outside Sainsbury’s for a short service at 12.30pm
2pm: Hour at the Cross. A reflective service with readings, songs, and Bible readings.

Village Easter Trail (19th April)

10am-12pm: Once again we’re teaming up with our friends at Flackwell Heath Methodist Church and the Flackwell Heath Residents’ Association to put on the Village Easter Trail. Pick up a map from Christ Church between 10-11am, follow the trail, and you’ll finish at the Methodist Church where there’ll be Easter treats and activities for all. And it’s all free!

Easter Day (20th April)

A day of celebration as we rejoice in Jesus’ resurrection.

7am: Dawn Service. We begin outside, around a firepit, before heading into church as Easter Day begins.
9am: Easter Holy Communion. A traditional service of Holy Communion on Easter Day, lasting around an hour.
10.30am: All Age Easter Communion. We gather as all ages for a fun, informal, and joyful communion service, lasting around an hour and a quarter.
6.30pm: Easter Compline. A gentle and reflective service to close Easter Day.